Hey everyone, after being selected for GSoC 2020, there's a great summer full of open source development. This is the sixteenth weekly check-in and we're into the coding period. Here's what I've been up to this week

This week was awesome and I had some super amazing stuff to do. I worked on sotoki and openedx basically and also did a bit of contribution on scraperlib.

What I'm up to this week ?

This week started with the fix for handling iframes recursively in openedx. We also had some minor issues with the navigation arrows at the bottom and I fixed that too. I also made the top sequential nav optional and added its support in zimfarm. I also got a chance to work on sotoki this week and was able to do some fixes on that including reducing duplicate images and adding an option to use only the generated identicons.

In the end ... We have a new openedx and a scraperlib release this week.

Talking about the current scenario, we finally have a release of openedx with most features and proper zimfarm support. We also have a new release of scraperlib and have also started using lxml parser in that. The scraping of extra instance pages was also refactored and I also refactored the path and netloc passing in the recursive functions in openedx. For sotoki, we now have shifted to python_libzim and have also added new function which would probably allow us to make a < 10 GB ZIM for the entire stackoverflow.

What's ahead now?

Right now, I have also developed a plan to support drag_and_drop_v2 xblock in openedx so that might be the next thing we do. We might also think of doing the other scraperlib issues starting with the youtube stuff.

Challenges I faced

Every week has some challenges but they provide a great opportunity to learn. This week, I refactored sotoki to use pylibzim and we got layout issues. It was only after hours of debugging, I found out that it had to do with the parser that we used in scraperlib. However, that was a great learning experience.


This is the last week in GSoC and it was AMAZING. I got to do awesome stuff, and had super cool experiences. I'm really astonished by the amazingly awesome environment and opportunity GSoC provides.