THE GEMS (💎 x 9)

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<aside> 💎 #1: If you are starting up, you should target longer-tail keywords. When you are more established you can go after the most relevant and high-volume/competitive keywords. @08:29


<aside> 💎 #2: The more niche the less traffic you can get from keywords, and keywords might be expensive. You might want to look outside of the App Store with content marketing and SEO for example. @13:40


<aside> 💎 #3: If you have an app going after a big market like learning languages you should focus on conversion rate optimization to rank best for high competitive keywords. @14:29


<aside> 💎 #4: Define your ASO meta framework to know where your app is getting downloads from. Having different sizes for different sources (organic search, paid web, etc.) helps you quickly grasp where there are opportunities. @27:00


<aside> 💎 #5: If iOS search is important and mostly on brand terms, then add brand terms to store assets. @27:27


<aside> 💎 #6: On Android if Google Ads are an important source of traffic, look at your best-performing ad creatives and make sure your store assets match. @28:10


<aside> 💎 #7: Think of your store as one step of a larger funnel. This means the user intent and the exposure to your product is different depending on the channel, so you need to adapt to your channel mix. @38:44


<aside> 💎 #8: You have to connect Apple Search Ads with your MMP to understand LTV per keyword and reflect it in your store listing and keyword strategy. @42:20


<aside> 💎 #9: You can use Google Experiments to A/B test conversion hypothesis lower down the funnel before leveraging it for your UA campaigns. @45:05



1. Positioning & Competition

Your starting position (app/startup stage) defines what should be your priorities and your ASO strategy.

Examples of how where you are affects your ASO Strategy

Examples of how where you are affects your ASO Strategy

[💎@08:29] If you are starting up, you should target longer-tail keywords. When you are more established you can go after the most relevant and high-volume/competitive keywords.

Another factor that defines your ASO strategy is how strong the user intent is when looking for your app.