To view information about the Compute Engine instance you just launched, type the following into your SSH terminal:

cat /proc/cpuinfo


We do billing in GCP on a project level, so by placing a bucket inside a project, you're essentially assigning who will be charged for it.

Picking Zones:

A zone in GCP is a datacenter. You ideally want to have multiple zones to reduce service disruptions.

Control your latency by choosing the closest zone/region.

Choose multiple zones in a region to reduce service disruptions.

Use multiple regions to provide global access to the application.

Store data in Cloud Storage

git clone to get data into local directory, from console, use gsutil to copy files into bucket.

In your SSH terminal, type the following, replacing <YOUR-BUCKET> with the name of the bucket you created in the previous task:

gsutil cp earthquakes.* gs://<YOUR-BUCKET>/earthquakes/