1. Grants Committee votes can be taken by a role-gated poll
    1. Ex: Seshbot poll, gated by role
  2. Poll description must include a link to relevant discussion and/or consensus measurement.
    1. Ex: Forum post, Discord poll/thread
  3. The poll options are explicitly as follows:
    1. For
    2. Against
    3. Abstain
    4. Discuss
  4. Polls expire in 7 Days
    1. If a poll collects votes from all members, it concludes before the expiration
    2. If there is a tie that prevents a conclusive result, the poll remains open until it expires
      1. This specifically allows for vote changes
  5. There must be as many votes for “For”, “Against”, and “Abstain” as required by quorum
    1. Ex: Voting “Abstain” counts towards the total quorum requirement, and voting for “Discuss” does not
    2. Votes may be changed, so long as the poll has not been concluded
    3. Members are not required to vote until they are satisfied with the discussion
  6. A single vote for “Discuss” requires that the vote be taken synchronously at a Grants Committee meeting
  7. A Grants Committee member can call for a funding vote at any time by setting up a gated poll
    1. Calling for a vote does not require a meeting

Original Doc:

Async Voting Procedure

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