This is where we dig into the story we need to be telling.

Foresight is not about predicting the future, it’s about creating a desired future by actioning intentionally in the present. It’s about


What might change in the world that will affect the map you’re travelling on? Brainstorm some, and give them weights and likelihoods out of 10.

The total column adds the other three and might show you where to focus in building a preferred future.

Include any issue, now matter how emergent.

Trends & Issues


Brainstorm some futures and name them with representative metaphors. Link them to trends previously identified in the previous section, as either pushes, or weights. Label then as used, assumed or preferred.


Describe your desired future

We’re always living a story. Let’s pick the right ones. Where you want to be in 5 years. Where will this strategy take you?


This is backwards design, working back from the preferred future. What cultural changes will support the desired future?

<aside> 🦊 Once you’ve got some solid insights into the future of your space, revisit the brand attributes section and see if you need to update it, according to an adjusted vision.



shaping desire future