Why we made this:

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has been a key factor in promoting transparency between the public and the government since 1967. Thousands of journalists have used it to access government documents and expose misconduct, with a recent famous case exposing U.S. banks for money laundering.

And it's not just for journalists either. Anyone can file a FOIA request to access government information. In 2011, Austin activist Scott Crow filed a request for FBI files that revealed that the FBI spent three years tailing him, digging through his trash, tracking his phone calls and trying to find ways to harass him.

The FOIA is an essential tool in protecting the public and promoting transparency. Yet, actually submitting these requests can be a tiresome process—especially, when you need to submit numerous requests to various agencies.

Which is why DoNotPay has created a faster, easier, and cheaper alternative—the automated FOIA product. All the user has to do is enter the agency and the documents they want to request, and DoNotPay will generate an official request letter and mail it on their behalf.

While the FOIA only applies to federal agencies, our product also works for local and state agencies. We have compiled a thorough database of every state's public records acts and laws, so all the user has to do is enter the state agency they're requesting information from, and DoNotPay will generate a state-specific information request letter.

How to use it:

1. Open the DoNotPay FOIA product. (You can search "freedom", "public records", etc on DoNotPay.)

2. Indicate if this is a federal or state agency.

3. Enter the agency name and the document names (or description of the information) that you're requesting.

4. Choose whether you need a fee waiver, expedited processing, etc.

5. DoNotPay will automatically generate your request letter and mail it to the agency on your behalf.

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