Fourier transform


In Sine Waves and Additive Synthesis, we added up a series of sine waves to create waves with different shapes. For example, a square wave can be expressed as a combination of sine waves as shown below. This type of series is called Fourier series.


${\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}x_{\text{square}}(t)&={\frac {4}{\pi }}\sum _{k=1}^{\infty }{\frac {\sin \left(2\pi (2k-1)ft\right)}{2k-1}}\\&={\frac {4}{\pi }}\left(\sin(2\pi ft)+{\frac {1}{3}}\sin(6\pi ft)+{\frac {1}{5}}\sin(10\pi ft)+\dots \right)\end{aligned}}}$

On this page, we convert an arbitrary function into a Fourier series. That is, given a function that represents a change in a certain quantity, such as the rectangular wave above, we decompose it into a series of sine waves.


Instead of delving too deeply into math, we will aim to create a drawing machine like the one below and gain some rough insights into how it works. A great thing about sketching with code is that you don't need to fully understand a concept to start. Instead, you can start by tinkering with working examples and learn from the experience (And I'm learning a lot through writing this).


We will only consider functions that can be expressed as a repetition of a constant period, such as square waves or the sketch below.
