<aside> 💡 You can continue chats through messages or emails even if the customer leaves the website mid-conversation. Keep conversations going by sending texts or email notifications.



What is a Follow-Up notification?

Text notifications

Email notifications

Mobile DSK Notifications (iOS, Android)


What is a Follow-Up notification?

A Follow-up notification is a feature that sends a notification to a customer when they leave mid-way through a conversation and go offline.


<aside> 💡 An offline status indicates when a customer has left the website, there is no activity on the website for 4 and a half minutes or if the customer is viewing another page. For example, a customer is offline when it has been more than 5 minutes since they were on the website, have not closed it but are viewing another browser tab, or when there is no activity on an open browser for more than 5 minutes.


Detailed transmission process

✔️When Mobile SDK Push is integrated