

Task List

Slip Box

Read How to

Buy me a Coffee

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Hi, this is a simple notion template I use to manage all resources (links, inspirations to kindle highlights) and tasks across multiple projects. The template follows concepts from Getting Things Done, Bullet Journal, Make Time, Resonance calendar. Also, The template uses as the source for a simplified .

**Created by Hiran Venugopalan; Icons from | Read How to Use this Template | Buy me a Coffee


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Core Principle

  1. Install Notion Webclipper and add all resources to .
  2. Plan your Projects, divide them into Objectives, and add that to .
  3. Add tasks to . Connect that to the Objective and add related references from Inbox
  4. Now the Calendar view will list your day's task. Focus on that and get things done!

If you need to filter tasks by Project or hide completed tasks - do that on the table below by adding views.


Task List

<aside> 💡 The following table lists items from Inbox without tags, so that you can add and make sure that the resource provides context to you!

