If you’ve spent the last three to four years studying, it can be challenging to figure out what to do once you finally achieve your goal. Many university students don’t know what to do after graduation. Their lives until university may have been divided into academic achievements, and it’s understandable to be confused about how to proceed once you’ve crossed the finish line and completed your undergraduate studies. Fortunately, there are many routes that you can take, including travelling, starting a business, getting a job, or pursuing further education. If you’re unsure about what to do after graduation from university, you’re not alone. This article will delve into the different choices available and give you an idea about the number of paths you can pursue.

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What to Do After Graduation from University

As a university graduate, you have many choices. You can begin your career, take time to enjoy your life and travel first, or start thinking about postgraduate studies. The following are some potential routes you can take and some ideas on what to do after graduation.

1. Take a Gap Year and Travel

Many people don’t know what to do after graduation, but they’re hesitant about jumping into work right away. Fortunately, since you’re a graduate and don’t have to worry about exams and deadlines anymore, you can take a gap year or some time off to travel and explore the world.

Many graduates worry that taking time off after university to travel might reflect badly on their CVs. However, this isn’t the case. A survey conducted by Hostelworld showed that 82% of employers thought travel made people more employable. According to the survey, travelling was thought to boost confidence, improve communication skills, and give individuals a more global view. The skills you hone through travelling also include budgeting, time management, problem-solving, and readily adapting to new situations.

If you don’t know what to do after graduating from university, travel, volunteer while travelling, or work while travelling. All three options give you a wealth of knowledge that can help you make better decisions in the future.

2. Join a Graduate Scheme

High achievers who don’t know what to do after graduation can always opt to join graduate schemes. These are structured training programmes that hand individuals responsibility and give them opportunities to gain experience in their chosen industry.

While graduate schemes are excellent opportunities, it’s important to remember that only a few spots are available. Applying early is the key to getting a position since these fill up extremely quickly. Additionally, most graduate schemes only accept top-ranking applicants, so this opportunity is usually limited to those who have achieved a 2:1 or higher.

3. Enter the Workforce

One straightforward option on what to do after graduation is entering the workforce and starting your career. Whether it’s getting work experience before finding your dream job or pursuing a career path outside the realm of your university degree, it’s always worth it to check in with career advisers at the university to help guide you. Your university’s placement department is your best resource when first entering the workforce and can help you find internships, volunteer roles, and even full-time jobs. If you’re planning on switching fields, they can also advise you on the steps you need to take to do this.