Table of Contents

Important Terms

FAFSA: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form completed by American students to determine eligibility for financial aid. You will be required to submit income, family assets, and other financial information. Access the application here.

CSS Profile: The College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile is an application by the College Board to determine eligibility for non-federal financial aid. This form is generally required in addition to the FAFSA by private colleges with large endowments. This costs money to send although you can apply to have the fee waived. Access the application here.

Expected Family Contribution (EFC): An estimate of your family's ability to pay for your college education. This amount is typically determined by a calculator that takes into account household income and assets.

Student Self-Help: The portion of the financial aid package you can earn through work and/or accepting federal/state/institutional loans. You can decline both work and loans.

Cost of Attendance (COA): Total estimated expenses for one year, including tuition, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses BEFORE any financial aid is applied.

Net Price: COA - (grants + scholarships). This is the amount you need to pay, get loans for, and/or have work-study to cover.

Ways to Pay for College

There are several ways to cover the cost of your education: scholarships, school grants, federal/state grants, loans, work-study, and work (outside of school). Learn more about types of aid here.


Where can I get scholarships?

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Create an account at to get personalized scholarship and contest recommendations!


How do scholarships affect my financial aid package?

The total of your scholarships and financial aid package cannot exceed the cost of attendance. Once you notify schools that you plan to redeem outside scholarships, they will subtract the amount of funding from your financial aid package. Schools will generally subtract from student self-help first (loans, work-study) before decreasing grant aid. Tell your financial aid office if any of you have received any one-time scholarships so that the amount is not continually subtracted from your financial aid package after the award period.

Learn more about scholarships with our guide!
