This document is intended to help you build intuition on how to set parameters of the Score and Pool size auctions specific to your project and human verification methods that you use. The auctions are described here - Gentle PoF discovery methodology.

The most complex parameter is the Upper pool size limit. It is described in details. Others are touched just slightly.

Score auction parameters

Bid duration, bid step, starting bid, step down

When setting up these parameters one should consider time vs money polarity. You can get PoF a lot faster if you have significant budget. If you wanna cut costs on the PoF measurement campaign go slow (start with low bids, increase bid duration, make small steps up and big steps down).

Liquidations threshold

See lower pool size limit below.

Pool size auction parameters

Number of steps and Pool size step

Decide on one of these and calculate the other.

Pool_size_step = (Upper_pool_size_limit - Lower_pool_size_limit) / Number_of_steps

Number of steps can increase accuracy of the discovered “Score - Pool size” pair. The only thing that prevents it from being too granular is gas costs (transaction fees). Try to keep steps small.

Lower pool size limit

Pool size which we need to set at the start of the pool size auction.

If we could predict the liquidations threshold (the liquidations that happen due to non-Sybil reasons) that value could be used to define the starting pool size. But we don’t know what this threshold is and all we can do here is guessing.

One thing to consider here is duration. If we start too low, the climb will take longer. It makes sense to start with a considerable sum. $500 - $1000 should do in general.

Cute pink fluffy robot fairy, hd, highly detailed, fairytale, portrait

Cute pink fluffy robot fairy, hd, highly detailed, fairytale, portrait

Upper pool size limit

The upper limit should be defined with care. It is platform specific.