Get ready to get vulnerable together, as we look at How Can We Show Up in Greater Courage for Sharing Our Love and Works in the world at this time.

Courage is NOT armoring up… Sucking it up… Toughing it out… or Pushing and Punishing to get somewhere.

Courage is found when we let go of our armor. When we let down our shields, our masks, our pretenses.

Courage is a result of being vulnerable, soft, open and exposed.

So many of us are being called to let go of the conditioning of an overly masculine and mental paradigm on this planet, as we move into the power of a more feminine and emotional approach.

If you want to learn how to open to greater courage, greater action, and a greater ability to allow yourself to effortlessly Show Up for Your Calling, Your Love, Your Work in this world….

‘Courage Partner’ Exercise

  1. Call in the Light, for yourself and your partner.
  2. Set a Clear Intention, including asking for the Highest Good of all concerned.
  3. Describe your issue or challenge. Let yourself blame, complain, and be all kinds of negative here! But spend no more than 30 seconds!
  4. Now, how do you FEEL inside? Focus on how you feel inside of your body. Start with “I feel…”
  5. Where do you feel it? And does this part have a color, a texture, any movement?
  6. Now give this part inside a voice. Let it speak freely and uncensored.
  7. Now tell this part inside what you just heard. Yep it’s weird. Tell it what you just heard, out-loud.
  8. Now ask this part: What do you need?
  9. Close your eyes and really take in what you just heard. You now have a precious opportunity. You get to love and mother this part within you. Take some time to give yourself what you need. You might need to use your imagination – but however you’re guided to: give yourself what you need right now.
  10. Thank yourself for sharing so fully and so vulnerably. Share it out-loud.
  11. If you have time, say statements of self-forgiveness out-loud, followed by truth statements.“I forgive myself for buying into the misbelief that…”“And the truth is that I am…