
The federal government has worked together with provincial governments to respond to the effects of the pandemic within the houselessness community. They have enhanced and invested more funding into different sectors of the houseless community to help houseless people and prevent them from catching and spreading COVID-19. The sections below explain the six essential pillars that the Canadian government has contributed to support the houseless population. The next sections talk about specific funding that the federal government has invested in.

6 essential pillars in response to COVID-19

Utilizing a framework created by the Canadian Network for Health and Housing for people experiencing houselessness the six pillars are what the federal government compromise that they will be doing in order to strengthen their strategy to reduce the chance of COVID transmission.


What is being done now?

The Federal government has invested 40 million dollars of additional funding to respond to the houseless communities after COVID-19’s impact. ‣ This money will go towards improving the health and living conditions of the houseless community so that they can ensure a safer environment. The same funds will be invested into: