Feature requests

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We use this space to track new feature suggestions for the Innovation Gateway.

Starting in Dec 2020, all feature requests will come from our Community forum or demos, including those from our internal stakeholders.


What happens after you submit a request

We'll add your suggestion to this space and send you a link so you can follow the progress. You can check the progress of your suggestion by checking the Status. Here's what each label means:

  1. To be prioritised This is the usually the first step. We receive many requests, and we also have a long list of new features to be released. Unfortunately we can't build everything, so we have to choose which ones to build first.
  2. Priority: High ,Priority: Medium or Priority: Low means your suggestion has been reviewed and prioritised. High-priority items will be addressed first.
  3. In progress means your suggestion is being designed and developed. Your suggestion could stay here for a long time, as there is another prioritisation round after the design phase, which sometimes means features are "parked" until a space becomes available in the development schedule.
  4. Done means developers have finished building your feature and it is available on our testing environment (UAT). It could take another 4 weeks to appear on the live site, as we run monthly releases.

You will receive an automatic notification via email when your feature has been implemented by the development team.