Feature Requests


Use this template to track feature requests

This template will help you track feature requests and help you prioritize your roadmap by giving you an overview of what features are the most important to your customers and who is requesting the feature.

The template keeps track of who requested the feature in the first place and if someone else requests the same feature, you add them as an "upvoter". The template keeps track of how many upvotes each feature has. By adding the email addresses of those that requested and upvoted feature, you can let them know when you launch what they have requested (your customers will love this 🚀 )

Here's how the template works

  1. Open the template, duplicate it and save it to your own Notion workspace
  2. When you receive a new feature request, go to and create a New request
  3. Fill in the relevant information (what's the request, who requested it and what's the current status.)
  4. When someone else requests the same feature, add them as upvoters to the feature request. You can do this either through the feature request page or go to and add them from there.
  5. Keep track of your feature requests and number of upvotes in either the table or board view on the page

Template created by Convas.io

We hope you find this template useful. If you want to upgrade to a feature request tracking tool, check out Convas.io