
All of our past and present FIRs

Fiat Lux

During Fall 2020, FIRs taught 15 Fiat Lux courses. In light of the continued global impact of COVID-19 and resulting limitations on in-person classes, FIRs remained committed to supporting the academic mission and creating community through various virtual experiences.

Fiat Lux Seminars

Fiat Lux Student Feedback

Screenshot of Dr. Jen Silver's Fiat Lux class (COVID-19: Coping and Resilience in 2020)

Screenshot of Dr. Jen Silver's Fiat Lux class (COVID-19: Coping and Resilience in 2020)

COVID-19: Coping and Resilience in 2020 with Dr. Jen Silvers

Dr. Jen Silvers created a new Fiat Lux centered on resilience and coping with COVID and the year 2020 more broadly. Each week, students on campus and across the world mutually benefitted by cultivating community and practicing evidence-based skills to promote surviving and thriving in this difficult time. In addition, Dr. Drea Letamendi from UCLA's RISE Center contributed as a guest lecturer.

Multisensory Writing about Music with Dr. Nina Eidsheim

"In a short span of 5 weeks, I feel connected to a group of people in a different way than my other classes. The format of this class took me out of my comfort zone and I believe it will benefit all who take this class after us. In the midst of all the chaos, we as a group were able to appreciate the little things and not worry about structure or rules. It was an open freeing space that took us away from the harsh college classes, it is truly a balance". - Student (Fall 2020)

COVID-19: Anything But Zoom (Creativity & Connection) with Dr. Tara Prescott-Johnson

“I really enjoy this course! Last week, I had two phone calls with two other classmates and it was SUPER FUN!! Staying at home isolated from the rest of the world for nearly two months, I was super thankful and happy to have that opportunity! (thanks to you-)” – Student (Fall 2020)

Social Media

Faculty Engagement Videos

Dr. Rana Khankan, Sean Metzger, and Tara Prescott-Johnson provided advice on office hours and email etiquette through an informational video. The video was shared on social media at the start of the quarter as a resource to help students build their confidence in communicating with professors and advocating for their own academic success. Check out the video here!

Dr. Sean Metzger

Dr. Sean Metzger

Dr. Rana Khankan

Dr. Rana Khankan

Dr. Tara Prescott-Johnson

Dr. Tara Prescott-Johnson