How to make your own Dream Map

  1. Grab the the Dream Mapping Template and make it yours. It has a great, step-by-step tutorial in it.
  2. As a team, come up with a lot of Dreams. Let people think on their own, and then share one person at a time. Keep going for longer than you think, and let people share their actual dreams.

💡 Make sure the dreams really resonate with the team. We’re trying to avoid corporate bullshit, where people chase hollow metrics they don’t care about. Allow people to state their actual dreams.

Ideally, a dream is something you can achieve in the next 9 - 18 months. You want to dream big, but not so big that it’s not achievable. 3. Together, pick one main dream to focus on and make a map for it. 4. For each dream, create a set of Signs — ways to measure whether you’re getting closer to the dream. 5. Let the team generate different Paths you could take to get to the dream. Draw each Path on the map, along with a label.

💡 Expand the map as you go. In the beginning, you don’t know much, so you probably can’t draw the entire map just yet. 6. Debate the best Path to get to the dream with least amount of effort and complexity. As a team, select a few (not all of them!) 7. Put the avatar of the people who are on a path, at the beginning of that path. As they progress in the coming weeks, they can move their avatar along the path. 8. Repeat the same process for the other dreams, if you picked multiple. 9. Start executing and revisit at least weekly to update progress.

💡 Review the dream map regularly. Move the avatars forward on their path as work progresses. Regularly check in to see if your Signs have changed. If they haven’t, your path may not be taking you to the goal! Update the map accordingly, and pick new paths to go down.

Decorating paths

Bonus: Paths can be decorated based on what you know about the path, such as:
