A Unity design pattern to access singletons without typing .instance

<aside> 🚧 Heads up! This post is not about:

It's just about typing less characters if you do use singletons already.


🤔 The problem

In Unity code, you're likely to eventually end up using singletons: unique instances of a class that you want to access from anywhere without setting up the dependency manually.

However, unlike static classes, singletons are instanced, which means that to access them you'll have to point to an object reference traditionnally called instance. This is totally normal but also totally annoying for lazy (read: all) programmers who like to save on keystrokes whenever possible.

For example, in its simplest form, a C# singleton looks somewhat like this:

class GameManager
	public static GameManager **instance** { get; } = new GameManager();

	public int score { get; set; }

And to access the singleton instance from elsewhere, you'd type:

class Goal : MonoBehaviour
	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

. i n s t a n c e? Really? That's 9 barbaric keystrokes that require manual labour! Let's fix it.

👎 The Bad Solutions

🚫 Turning the singleton class into a static class

If GameManager was declared as a static class, we'd avoid having to type .instance:

**static** class GameManager
	public **static** int score { get; set; }

Then accessing its members would be shorter:

class Goal : MonoBehaviour
	void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

This may be tempting at first, but it's either:

🚫 Adding a static wrapper around each member