How to move from idea to action

So you have an idea... now what!? How do you know if your idea has potential? Does your idea really address the problem you're trying to solve? There's only one way of knowing - by validating your idea in the real world.

In general, it involves gathering insights, building a minimum viable product, testing it out, learning from the feedback, and improving regularly.

In this focus area, you will find applicable tools & tips to take your idea from just a figment of your imagination to the real market.


With Jamie Qiu, Founder of Studio Zao and Bilyana Freye, Founder of Orbiit.

<aside> 📎 Focus overview

  1. Develop your idea
  2. Test your idea
  3. The Iterative Cycle
  4. Additional resources



One way to develop your idea is to start with the problem. Your solution should be secondary because it is only one of many possible solutions to address the given problem. Most importantly, choose a problem you really care about - you might be spending the next 10 years on this!

Once you identify a problem and a group of people you want to serve, you must understand the problem better, particularly from the perspectives of your potential customers.

Ask the following questions: Who are your potential customers? What are their pain points? How often do they face them? What do they currently do to solve them? Are they willing to pay for the solutions?

Try out this handy tool to get you started on mapping out the problem.