1. what is DINOP token address


2. Where is DINOP price chart

BoggedFinance | DexGuru | CoinGecko

3. Where is Telegram price bot

DINOP waterfall

4. How to buy $DINOP Buy $DINOP on ApeSwap (Set slippage at 8-11%)

5. How to add DINOP token in trust wallet

How to add DINOP token in trust wallet

6. Why do we get less DINOP after transferring to another wallet?

Every DINOP transaction including transferring to another wallet or holder will be taxed 7% as per its tokenomic so total receive will be 93% of total DINOP sent

7. Can we transfer DINO egg to another wallet holder?

Unfortunately, no. User will be able to trade/sell/buy their egg when the marketplace opened in Q4/2021