Why is there a mint function in the smart contract?

As there are big plans to build $BALLS into a serious project and integrate with more real world use cases, a decision was made early on to include a mint function, in order to support integrating with these real world use cases. There are no immediate plans in place for minting tokens.

Any decisions to mint tokens will be carefully planned and fully communicated to holders in order to preserve tokenomics and impact the market as little as possible. As there is a real founder and established entrepreneur behind $BALLS, we've weighed these factors and believe that it does not pose any risks to the project.

Is the contract renounced?

No - this is a serious project, not a community contract-renounced token, the founding team need the capability to make changes in the future, depending on our real-world use cases and developments. We believe this uncertainty is offset by the transparency provided by the team, for all to see that this is a real project being built. Any changes will be planned and communicated accordingly, with feedback from the community.