Generate a report from RVT or RFA file info:

pyrevit revits fileinfo <file_or_dir_path> [--csv=<output_file>]

$ pyrevit revits fileinfo "C:\\model.rvt"
Created in: Autodesk Revit 2018.3.1 (20180423_1000(x64))
Workshared: Yes
Central Model Path: \\\\central\\path\\Project3.rvt
Last Saved Path: C:\\Downloads\\Project3.rvt
Document Id: bfb3db00-ca65-4c6a-aa64-329761e5d0ca
Open Workset Settings: LastViewed
Document Increment: 2
pyrevit revits fileinfo "C:\\Users\\eirannejad\\Desktop\\Test BasicFileInfo.rvt"

The output is identical to the pyRevit gui tool:

Created in: Autodesk Revit 2019.2 (Update) (20181217_1515(x64))
Workshared: No
Last Saved Path: C:\\Users\\eirannejad\\Desktop\\Test BasicFileInfo.rvt
Document Id: f86eb316-c79a-419f-98ba-67031c6ab92b
Open Workset Settings: LastViewed
Document Increment: 1

You can also provide a directory path instead of a single file, and the cli tool will look for all Revit files in that subdirectory recursively and will print out the results. Use the --csv option and provide a file path so all this info is exported to a data file properly. You can use this pyrevit cli feature to periodically collect version information about your Revit files.

pyrevit revits fileinfo "/Projects" --csv="~/Desktop/test.csv"

The new pyRevit CLI (>0.13.0) automates this process by reading the stream, passing it to ZipArchive, extracting the xml file and parsing the xml stream for the project information data:

$ pyrevit revits fileinfo Project1.rvt

Created in: Autodesk Revit 2019.2 (Update) (20181217_1515(x64))
Workshared: No
Last Saved Path: C:\\Users\\LeoW10\\Desktop\\Project1.rvt
Document Id: 5cafc5e6-644c-40c6-9e6d-df04b4469fd5
Open Workset Settings: LastViewed
Document Increment: 1
Project Information (Properties):
        Building Name = Value
        Client Name = Value
        Custom Project Parameter = Custom Value
        Organization Description = Value
        Organization Name = Value
        Project Address = Multiline Value\\r\\nMultiline Value\\r\\nMultiline Value
        Project Issue Date = Value
        Project Name = Value
        Project Number = Value
        Project Status = Value

As before, you can also export this data to csv. This process can be used to automatically collect information about your revit files.

$ pyrevit revits fileinfo Project1.rvt --csv="data.csv"
"{""Building Name"":""Value"",""Client Name"":""Value"",""Custom Project Parameter"":""Custom Value"",""Organization Description"":""Value"",""Organization Name"":""Value"",""Project Address"":""Multiline Value\\r\\nMultiline Value\\r\\nMultiline Value"",""Project Issue Date"":""Value"",""Project Name"":""Value"",""Project Number"":""Value"",""Project Status"":""Value""}"

You can read this value from the csv file and convert into a JSON object for further analysis

    "Building Name": "Value",
    "Client Name": "Value",
    "Custom Project Parameter": "Custom Value",
    "Organization Description": "Value",
    "Organization Name": "Value",
    "Project Address": "Multiline Value\\r\\nMultiline Value\\r\\nMultiline Value",
    "Project Issue Date": "Value",
    "Project Name": "Value",
    "Project Number": "Value",
    "Project Status": "Value"

The project information key:value output will be written as a json object under the projectinfo field. When parsing the csv file in your own code, you can pass this value to a json loader from string (e.g. json.loads in python) and get the json data object as result.