As researchers we would normally export the raw decision data and process it ourselves prior to conducting our analyses.

Exporting results

Go to Run Judging Session and click Decisions download a CSV file of the raw decision data.

The CSV file will look something like the following:

Each row in the table is a single pairwise comparison.

Processing results

The Decisions CSV file can be transformed into artefact scores for research purposes by installing the nmmBTm package for R.

############ R EXAMPLE CODE ############
#To fit the BTm model#
#> Loading required package: nmmBtm
decisions <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
#> get the decisions
mdl <- nmmBtm::btmModel(decisions)
#write the artefact scores to a CSV file
artefactscores <- mdl$effects

We do not go into detail in this guide about the underlying model, but start with this PDF for further details.

This outputs a CSV file called artefactscores as follows.

The columns are: