General Characters

Overall when writing for these user roles, think of them as characters. What is their arc in the story? Where does transformation and growth happen? How does their actions and what they learn help to shape decisions in the plot.

  1. Venture Capitalist — This user role is the skeptic needing to be convinced of the importance of space environmentalism

    The Shadow | Neutral Evil

    Artifacts to use throughout the narrative and help propel the story forward include:

    Wallet w Credit Card & Keyfob

    The venture capitalist has always had wealth and means to live a certain class of lifestyle. This user's interest is in making money than stewarding the environment well. They are skeptical about global warming and sustainable energy alternatives. They are a thinking type of personality with an extroverted and charismatic personality. They are a long term strategist, always planning their next business opportunity. They can let their direct and commanding type overshadow their compassionate and empathetic side. Efficiency and hard work are most important to them. They don’t always play by the rules but create and enforce their way. The venture capitalist is tight on time and carries their work with them wherever they go. They always keep their smartwatch on their person at all times so they can manage their time well. Their credit card has no limit. They are highly connected politically.

  2. Eco-Empath — This user role is a die-hard environmentalist. It's their way of life.

The Ally | Lawful Good

Artifacts to use throughout the narrative and help propel the story forward include:

Reusable bag w pamphlet and andaids

The Eco-Empath lives an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Their motto is to reduce - reuse - recycle. They enjoy gardening in their free time. They eat a plant-based healthy diet and explore the outdoors daily. They support the use of sustainable energy alternatives. They are urban dwellers and are raising a family with their life-long spouse. They are an advocate for social justice and support their local community. They feel obligated to fix their environment and communities. Their personality type is an ambivert that slightly enjoys introversion more. In their daily decisions, they rely on their intuition and feelings to guide them. Always prepared, they carry reusable bags just in case they need to make a grocery stop to feed the family. They are a safety-oriented protector and keep a safety first-aid kit close by in case of emergency. Their naturally altruistic and caring personality places the well-being of others before their own needs.

  1. Playful Explorer — This user role is above all else, curious and takes risks to find answers.

The Trickster | Chaotic Good

Artifacts to use throughout the narrative and help propel the story forward include:

Compass (have it always point towards objective using magnets)

The playful explorer is an actively curious individual who is always searching for adventure. They are bored with routine and are easily distracted by the newest innovation or opportunity. They are individuals who aren’t easily satisfied and thrive off adrenaline and risk. They are restless and always trying new things and discovering new places. The playful explorer seeks novelty. They prioritize spontaneity and are extroverted in every way. The playful explorer marches to the beat of their own drum. They aren’t fond of the rules. They forge their path and show people what they’ve discovered. They often have problems in stillness. The playful explorer prefers the bustle of social interactions or the freedom of seeking the unknown. There isn’t much in between. This is a thinking type of personality that enjoys the thrill of a new adventure.

  1. Media Influencer — This user role is an avid media user who knows how to gain, retain and change the behavior of an audience.

The Shapeshifter | True Neutral

Artifacts to use throughout the narrative and help propel the story forward include:


The media influencer is the life of the party. Naturally charming and popular, they're highly socially-oriented. They enjoy being the center of attention and natural confidence radiates from them. Spontaneity comes naturally to them and people admire their warm persona. They document every detail of their lives digitally. They are so focused on capturing the moment that sometimes they forget to sit still and enjoy the present. They are concerned with image and what society thinks of their appearance, career, and activities. They want others to perceive them as unique and desirable. However, this gets in the way of authenticity and enjoying the present moment. They are active on any social channel available, but primarily Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok. Their following surpasses 2M +.