Working at MUI is just a job, although probably unlike you’ve had before. Work should not be your entire life, and please don’t make it so.

If you want to take time off, for any reason, please do so. You don’t have to give a reason.

If for any reason your manager is not happy with your work, they will tell you immediately, in private.

If you’re not happy with your work, for any reason at all, share that with your manager at the earliest opportunity. This way, we can work out something where everyone benefits.

High pace

MUI is growing above x2 YoY (x3.48 at the time these lines were written, November 2021). That means there always is a lot of work, and often a lot of pressure through customers, launches, or just excitement for building the next big thing.

Everyone at Material-UI is hired to do the best job of their lives. Most people tend to work hard, and with intensity. It's important that we all do our best to balance work between our colleagues. Extreme flexibility is great, but not when it's to the detriment of your colleagues. If you find that you're doing significantly more or less work than your direct colleagues, speak with your manager. It's possible that adjustments have to be made to rebalance work (e.g. through processes, or hiring).

Your place at MUI

Material-UI is growing fast and hopefully will continue to do so. This kind of growth means that teams get bigger, but also that people's responsibilities change.

At this pace, the company undergoes a significant change every 12 to 18 months. Some people end up managing others they've previously worked with side-to-side, and new people are brought in to fulfill either of those roles.

We must support each other's growth and success as this happens. At the same time, it's important to acknowledge that different people deal differently with the change of scale and team dynamics. That's ok. Ultimately, you should be comfortable in your position today and in the future. Whether that's working on becoming a manager, or further specializing in your expertise.

Neither of these paths is preferential to the company, and it's our goal to make sure both get equal reward and pay-off.

It's up to all of us to make sure we evolve and add new DNA to our mix rather than be stuck in earlier days mottoes or rituals. With growth comes constant change. We must focus on building a better company for tomorrow, rather than lingering in what used to be.

In summary: