Over the last year, ChemBERTa has evolved from a singular Colab notebook training a small transformer model on ZINC 100k, to a larger project encompassing support for masked language modelling of large chemical libraries, molecular property prediction (both single-task and regression), alongside attention visualization and other utilities.

However, there is still a long way to figure out how to better embed this infrastructure within the wider DeepChem ecosystem. Doing so, however, is incredibly valuable towards establishing a consistent API design for incorporating NLP models and tasks across a variety of disciplines (molecular property prediction, retrosynthesis, protein structure prediction). I hope this note outlines ChemBERTa's current layout and suggests how to incorporate it within the DeepChem library to support a wider community and easier usage of transformer models in molecular ML.

Here are the rough sequence of the next steps:

  1. Contribute model implementations (sequence classifier, regression model, masked LM) within DeepChem TorchModel API as well as:
    1. Base classes for outputs of sequence classification and regression models (ClassifierOutput, RegressionOutput)
  2. Create a new SmilesFeaturizer tokenizer class (alongside pre-existing dc.feat.tokenizers.SmilesTokenizer), which will accept any saved HuggingFace vocab and featurize SMILES strings.
  3. Auxiliary modules: Dataset classes for lazy loading and tokenizing large libraries.
  4. Tutorial describing how to use forementioned tools together to pre-train and fine-tune ChemBERTa models (replica of the existing tutorial, but for new ChemBERTa contributions to DC).

Model implementations

ChemBERTa code is written in PyTorch (similar to huggingface/transformers), and so all model implementations would go under deepchem/deepchem/models/torch_models. ChemBERTa utilizes a base Roberta model, and so all models subclass the RobertaPreTrainedModel in hf/transformers. This is an abstract class to handle weights initialization and a simple interface for downloading and loading pre-trained models (through the HF model hub).

All of the models follow the same basic layout:

class RobertaforMiscTask(RobertaPreTrainedModel):

	def __init__(self, config):
	# initialize RobertaModel, RobertaClassificationHead/RobertaRegressionHead, etc

	def forward(

		return RegressionOutput/MaskedLMOutput/SequenceClassifierOutput(
	# returns base class for misc. model outputs 
  # initialize type of loss (MSE or cross-entropy)

To adapt these model implementations into DeepChem, we will have to adapt the models to use multiple inheritance from TorchModel (as all other PyTorch models in DC do) and RobertaPreTrainedModel:

class RobertaforMiscTask(RobertaPreTrainedModel, TorchModel):

The goal is to add all three model implementations (RobertaforSequenceClassification, RobertaRegression, RobertaforMaskedLM) into dc.model.torch_model alongside their equivalent base class for outputs.


The next goal is to adopt a SmilesFeaturizer class which inherits from MolecularFeaturizer and RobertaTokenizerFast, to complement the existing SmilesTokenizer (which uses regex).