Link to the configuration


Exchange incentives refer to all the configurations that return rabbit offers that can be employed as a way to incentivize exchanges for your shoppers. This feature aims at reducing return rates and increasing exchanges, by telling the shoppers the benefits of exchanges.

What is it?

Exchange incentives are housed in Configure > Return Management

It is a control panel for you where you can:

Here's a sample of the exchange incentives pop-up that your shoppers will see.

How to configure it?

To configure this, navigate to Configure > Return Management > Exchange Incentives

You will see a table that will contain all the possible incentives that are possible.

To change one of these incentives, click on the pencil icon, which will open up the editing modal.

Here, you will be able to toggle Shopper Visibility and change the text on the modal that your shoppers will see.

To make any changes to the actual setting, please click on Configure this incentive