You'll need to get the word out about your programs! Otherwise people won't know about them, and then they can't come hang and learn with you.

On this page, we've collected a few examples of what Assemble program flyers look like. Click on any image to expand it.

<aside> 🧠 Read up on spreading the word about your programs in 🔌 Practicalities.


🗓️ Calendars. Listings, and Overviews

A monthly calendar is super useful to hand to parents and guardians! And it looks great hanging on a refrigerator. (PDF version)

A monthly calendar is super useful to hand to parents and guardians! And it looks great hanging on a refrigerator. (PDF version)

You can also provide a monthly listing, with info about what's happening week by week! (PDF version)

You can also provide a monthly listing, with info about what's happening week by week! (PDF version)

A quick overview of programs is a friendly reminder of all you have to offer. (PDF version)

A quick overview of programs is a friendly reminder of all you have to offer. (PDF version)

This summary of available programs is designed to be printed 3-up on a piece of paper to save on printing and create a bookmark-sized flyer. (PDF version)

This summary of available programs is designed to be printed 3-up on a piece of paper to save on printing and create a bookmark-sized flyer. (PDF version)

💌 Neighbor Outreach Letter

A letter like this can be handed out in the neighborhood or mailed to local homes to reach families who don't yet know about you! This is the front of a double-sided flyer. (PDF version)

A letter like this can be handed out in the neighborhood or mailed to local homes to reach families who don't yet know about you! This is the front of a double-sided flyer. (PDF version)

Here's the back of the double-sided flyer! It's an overview of all that Assemble has to offer. (PDF version)

Here's the back of the double-sided flyer! It's an overview of all that Assemble has to offer. (PDF version)

🏕️ Camp Flyers

Advertise your camp offerings on a double-sided overview! (PDF version)

Advertise your camp offerings on a double-sided overview! (PDF version)

Here's the second page of the double-sided camp flyer. (PDF version)

Here's the second page of the double-sided camp flyer. (PDF version)

Or advertise a single camp! (PDF version)

Or advertise a single camp! (PDF version)

A simpler way to advertise a single camp. Again, this is designed to be printed 3-up on a piece of paper to save on printing and create a bookmark-sized flyer. (PDF version)

A simpler way to advertise a single camp. Again, this is designed to be printed 3-up on a piece of paper to save on printing and create a bookmark-sized flyer. (PDF version)

🔮 Audience-Specific Flyers

This flyer advertises our offerings that are geared towards girls. (PDF version)

This flyer advertises our offerings that are geared towards girls. (PDF version)

And this one is all about our offerings for teens! (PDF version)

And this one is all about our offerings for teens! (PDF version)