Interviewer prep


  1. Be a good host
  2. Ask open-ended questions (who, why, what, how, when, when) not multiple choice ("x or y?") or yes/no or leading ("would you agree that...") questions.
  3. You don't need to finish your questions to elicit useful remarks!
  4. Remain curious about whatever is being said

Friendly welcome (5 minutes)

Warm-up and contextual questions (10 minutes)

<aside> ℹ️ We want to get people up to "I am an organiser and here's what I can say and what I need to learn"


Baseline: familiarity and pattern of usage

<aside> ℹ️ If they're already involved in this project, organisation, product, service, double check this so that you know how familiar they are with what they are seeing. You can even build a bit of a backstory for the user test with the information from this section.
