Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA

Implementation of triage protocols for scarce resources, known as Crisis Standards of Care, at a hospital in Massachusetts, USA. This documents the experience of a working group in implementing these protocols through engaging the hospital community, providing support to staff, and responding to changes in state-issued guidance and feedback from the hospital and broader Boston community. Published August 2020.

Addressing Challenges Associated with Operationalizing a Crisis Standards of Care Protocol for the Covid-19 Pandemic.pdf

Hospital Medicine Reengineering Network, USA

Measures taken to expand capacity and deliver medical ward-based care for non-ICU Covid-19 patients, within a network of hospitals throughout the USA, including implementation of respiratory isolation units, decreasing frequency of in-room encounters, and other isolation and room-entry policies. Published August 2020.

Hospital Ward Adaptation During the COVID-19 Pandemic- A National Survey of Academic Medical Centers.pdf

Journal of the American Medical Association, USA

Evidence from multiple health systems in Australia and the USA to hospital transmission of Covid-19, focusing on the effectiveness of interventions including requirements for all staff and patients to weak masks and dedicated areas for breaks and mealtimes for staff. Published November 2020.

Hospital-Acquired SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Lessons for Public Health

NYU Langone Medical Center

Evidence from a New York City medical center on utilizing a Discharge Command Center and collaborating with a medical equipment vendor, to streamline discharge procedures and ultimately increase its general inpatient medicine capacity by 85% and quadruple its medical ICU facility. Published November 2020.

Maintaining Throughput and Reducing Discharge Delays After Increasing Capacity During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A New York City Hospital’s Experience