Do you call yourself a Minecraft nerd? Well, it's time to find out if you really are!

In this post, I am sharing 6 completely unknown facts about your favorite Minecraft game. And, if you already knew more than 4 of them, then you can call yourself a true MC nerd.

If you couldn’t, then you need to increase your devotion towards the game! :P

Ready for it?

Here are 6 literally unknown facts about Minecraft that even the most obsessed fan might not know about.

1. Minecraft’s Original name was “Cave Game” (Almost!)

The creator of the game, Markus Perrson, has initially named Minecraft as ‘Cave Game’ when he was working on the first version.

Soon, he realised that it was not catchy enough, that’s why he changed it to Minecraft later. Just imagine, if he would have continued with Cave Game only. Haha. :D

As a Minecraft obsessed player, you should have known this. Cheers to those who knew it!

2. Minecraft almost had Sky Dimension too!

Minecraft regularly releases updates, the latest one being the Nether update which is quite popular. But, there was one update which might have been the most popular one - the Sky Dimension update.

It is said that the Mojang studios were working on Sky Dimension but the project got scrapped due to unknown reasons.

3. A Wolf’s Tail Tells its Health.

This one is another completely hidden fact that only the very obsessed players would know. The fact is that you can differentiate between a healthy dog and a low health dog by just looking at its tail.

If you see the tail is up, it means the dog is healthy and if the tail is down, that means its health is also down.

4. Apart from Mods, Minecraft has Tools!

Even the noobs know about the MC mods but little do they know about the secret tools that Minecraft servers offer. These tools include click speed test, aim training, scroll testing, color codes generator etc.

These tools are really helpful when you are looking to improve your Minecraft skills and become a better player.