To conversations and more? What’s unsaid is often the most important.

I’d be lying if I said the last 10 days were a cakewalk. Dublin was emotionally a fairly expensive affair. From talking about the future of EuroPython to talking about tampons (py-pons), what an absolute privilege the past few days have been.

Last week in numbers:

~1K in person attendees

150+ speakers

43 pints (fairly biased towards Guiness)

30+ remote & on site volunteers

~10 organisers

7 days

1 EuroPython

To be frank, at this point the days are rolling into each other (totally unrelated to the amount of Guiness I had :p)

I’m still amazed by the sheer size of the event. The execution, discussions, tutorials, talks and much more.. Honestly feel like l don’t deserve to be a part of it in the whole grand scheme of things.

I’m a firm believer of saying the unsaid, so here goes the things that should’ve been said and repeated a gazillion times:

Artur - EP had a smoother and a significantly bug-free tickets + talks rollout this year. This wouldn’t have been possible without your foresight and mission driven execution. EP was a tad bit funnier because of the banter & did I mention drinks? :p

Anmol - I wasn’t particularly involved with Operations much towards the end but you put your heart and soul into the conference. While you were several thousand miles the hybrid arm simply wouldn’t have existed without your tracking and execution. I’m still in awe of how effortless you made this all look.

Nicolas - First up, you’re fkn huuuge. I’m sorry that I didn’t get to know you better before. Your drive is simply infectious. I’m looking forward to catching up real soon with you!

Silvia - EP wouldn’t have been possible without the billion emails you exchanged with the sponsors and more. It’s often difficult to handle a few sponsors but you managed to keep all 29 (?) of them happy and more than satisfied. Your professionalism is something I personally strive for.