A metaverse infrastructure that can provide continuous service for metaverse projects, thus eternalizing the world that we are creating.


1. Introduction

Ethanim Ecological Deflation and Inflation Operating Mechanism

How ordinary users can earn income through Validation mining

Ethanim: Making Metaverse Apps More Decentralized

How Can DAO Be Realized by Ethanim RSM?

Working Principles of Ethanim:RSM at its core

An Eco-Friendly Metaverse by Ethanim RSM

Ethanim's Reliable Economic System

The Core Value of Ethanim: implement decentralization with technology and innovation system

Ethanim System Architecture:Main Chain

Concurrent Virtual Identities on Metaverse

Ethanim Eternal File System - Permanently store snapshots of application state

Ethanim System Architecture RSM - application nodes reach consensus efficiently

Ethanim Meta GPU - Metaverse Image Computing Solution

How Ethanim miners get EPU by mining