Escape Velocity is a game mode that can be used to give time pressure to Terraforming Mars.

How to set up?

Players have to click the Escape Velocity button and set up three numbers Threshold, PenaltyPerMinute and Period at the start of the game.

How does it change the game?

Each player that spends more time than the limit Threshold minutes, will lose PenaltyPerMinute VP for every Period minutes that is past Threshold. But they will not lose more VP than they have. VP will as far down as zero.

This calculation is carried out in real time although the real-time VP is not live-updated during your own turn. The current active player will have to refresh the page or take an action to see the accurate count.

When does the timer start?

The timer starts after all players draft their first card during the initial draft.

If playing without the initial draft, the timer starts after all players finish their initial research phase.

What if I take more action?

After you finish each action, your timer will go back by 2 seconds automatically.

Recommended parameters

Recommend Escape Velocity Parameters