Ep. 12 - Mohini Gima: How to Create More Intimacy in Your Life and Relationship

[00:00:00] Hello, and welcome back to another episode of be more connected. I'm your host, Elyse Preston. And I can hardly believe that we are in the final days of 2022. I actually really love this time of year when we are in this liminal space of closing out one year and transitioning into another. And for the last few years, I've done a new year ritual where I give thanks for what the last year has taught me.

Really tune into my heart and higher guidance to help me. Identify a word or theme for the year ahead. And develop one to three intentions for the year ahead. And this has felt like such a grounding and [00:01:00] anchoring and supportive practice to deepen into. Because my theme for the year and just simple, one to three guiding intentions.

Can be a source of support. When I feel like I am losing sight of my values and where I'm seeking to head and seeking to grow. And. I also sometimes update my intentions throughout the year. Maybe one of the intentions that I set doesn't actually feel like it's aligned by the time that I get to June or July. And so wanting to share that, um, yeah, just, just share that with you as well.

Um, if that resonates or if that can feel supportive for you for how you are moving and flowing and growing with your theme and your intentions in the year to come. And so [00:02:00] the word that I received for 2022 was expression. And the word that I received this week for 2023. Was love. And the definition of love that I've encountered that resonates with me.

The most comes from bell hooks. And her incredible book all about love. And in it, she defines love as the will to extend oneself for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth. And I just. Loved that. The will to extend oneself for the purpose of nurturing another spiritual growth.

And that just really deeply. Resonates and relates to the ways that I've received. [00:03:00] Love. And how good it feels to also be able to give and create and share. Love with others. With that higher and deeper intention of nurturing. Our own or another's spiritual growth. And. As I was reflecting on this year and even just the past few years.

I really came to realize that. The healing and energetic clearing that I've been engaged in over the last few years has allowed me to. Really open my heart in new ways. And I'm feeling the call to be. Uh, stand and ambassador for love. And ways that I never have before in ways that didn't even, um, that weren't a part of my awareness before. [00:04:00]

And I want to share just a little excerpt from my journaling that I was doing this week. And it reads. Desolving fear around vulnerability and intimacy. And stepping into a more powerful expression of love. Feels like an important part. Of my transition from my twenties to my thirties. Of letting go of who I've been in order to become who I am here to be.

Next. And as I'm reading this again, I'm like getting the tingles, getting the truth bumps, because this just feels so true for me. And I would love to invite you to tap in and reflect on what feels most true for you. Around what you are Freddy to embrace what you are ready to step into. [00:05:00] Next. This time of year is such a beautiful time.

To reflect to get clear on what the last year has taught you. And tap into the whispers from your heart and your higher guidance about who you are here to be next. And you might be listening to this and thinking to yourself, I don't know. I have no idea who I'm here to be next. And so I would love to encourage and challenge you.

Two. Create some space. Maybe over the weekend or in the weeks to come. To get quiet. To tune in. To reflect. To actually give yourself an opportunity. To not just sit with the conscious thoughts at the top of your mind, that may be. Resistant to embracing something new. And to actually seek deeper below the conscious [00:06:00] thoughts.

Connect in with your heart, your soul, your feeling sense. What is really calling you forward. What you're being invited into. Because when taking the time to slow down and get quiet. I am always so. Surprised and inspired by how much wisdom is available. Just below the surface and that wisdom is truly available for each and every one of us.

When we are able to listen.

And so. Speaking of. Vulnerability and intimacy. I am super excited to introduce our guest for today. Mohini gamma Mohini is an expression, embodiment and empowerment guide. And Mohini uses tantric expression practices. To [00:07:00] guide others to connect with the depths of themselves. To release stagnation from the body and create space for all of their juicy desires to come alive.

She helps others to tap into their fullest emotional expression and self intimacy. Via verbal and nonverbal communication using their body census and movements. And in this episode today, we explore. Five different types of intimacy and how to cultivate them. How to move from codependent to interdependent relationships.

How to lovingly detach from relationships that are no longer a fit for us and are no longer aligned. And we also explore the importance of listening to the body and creating space to really process and release emotions. So I hope that you enjoy this conversation. And if you do, please [00:08:00] consider subscribing and leaving a five-star review.