Ep. 10 - Equinox Episode: As One Season Ends, Another Begins


Hello, and welcome back to be more connected. I'm your host at [00:01:00] least Preston. And this is the finale of season one of the podcast. In today's episode, I'm going to share a little recap of. Season one, what happened? Learning along this journey and some of my favorite quotes and moments from this season.

And also give you a sneak peek of what to look forward to for season So. If you are listening to this real time. It is the September Equinox. So happy autumn Equinox to those in the Northern hemisphere and happy spring Equinox to those in the Southern hemisphere. I really love tapping into these turning points in the year.

Because they help to remind me that we are connected to larger cycles in nature. Outside of the capitalist cycles and structures that we live under. And connecting [00:02:00] with nature in this way. Is also a great reminder to me that I am not designed to operate at the same pace year round. And that I need, we all need opportunities for rest and integration and using our energy and in different ways at different times in order to actually be able to be well and thrive.

And last night, I had the pleasure of being able to host an Equinox circle live on zoom. And chat and connect and reflect with you all about. Just how you're feeling at this pivotal point in the year. And it was such a really kind and sweet group of people. That showed up live. And what I really loved was the beautiful way [00:03:00] that the people that showed up were so open and.

Shared about the ways that they've really been devoting their energy to their own personal healing path. And also showing up and supporting each other's journey in really lovely ways. And. The session just felt really fun and flowy for me to lead. And it got me thinking about other opportunities too.

Bring people together in similar ways this fall. So. Definitely stay tuned for that. Definitely sign up for the email list to learn more about bat. And you probably noticed when you clicked on the episode for today. That the title was as one season ends. Another begins. And that title just kind of dropped in as I was finishing up the editing for this episode.

It's [00:04:00] probably not the best episode title for SEO, but I just thought it was so cool. And yeah, just so interesting that this season of the podcast is ending. As we are, it's lining up with the beginning of a new season in nature.

This week, we celebrated the September Equinox as well as the transition to Libra season. And the September Equinox is one of two. Very special days in the year. When the sun lines up with the equator. Creating 12 hours of equal day and equal night. And this point in the year. Helps to bring equanimity to the entire earth.

And it also gives us as humans. The ability to find balance within [00:05:00] ourselves. And what's really beautiful is that this lines up with a time of rebalancing. Within the astrological year as well. So Libra season marks the halfway point of the astrological year, which kicks off. During the March Equinox.

With Aries season. So Equinox Libra season. This is a really powerful time of reassessment and checking in with your physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual alignment.

And yes, the Equinox and Libra season are really working together. To help bring us into greater balance. And this time is really important. And it's. Also an opportunity for us [00:06:00] to find the ways where we can actually listen deeply. And work with this energy rather than against it. Really opening ourselves up to allow change and shedding to occur.

So that we can fully step into the new opportunity is that want to meet us and want to connect with us? So.

Wanting to share just a few. Questions for reflection. And things for you to consider at this time. Which are. Is there anything in your life right now? That you feel like you are forcing.

Next question. Is what areas in your life? Are seeking greater balance. [00:07:00] And what small doable action steps. Can you take this weekend to be given, introducing more balance into your life?

Third question. Is when you think. Of devoting yourself. To creating peace. And harmony. What does that uniquely look like for you? Particularly in the area of relationships because Libra season is very connected to helping us understand ourselves more deeply. Through our relationships. So just a few things to consider. I'm also personally working with these questions as well. And love, love, love to be able to have the spiritual and energetic guidance of astrology