At Cronofy we deliver tools and services that allow businesses, groups, and people all over the world to effectively organise their time, with complete respect for privacy.

Founded 5 years ago by Adam Bird (prev. CTO of Esendex, our CEO) and Garry Shutler (prev. lead engineer at Zopa, our CTO) Cronofy has software engineering and product management expertise at the heart of the organisation.

<aside> ⚡ There are lots of companies out there, not so many meaty problems. Tom, senior front-end engineer at Cronofy


Rapidly growing, we’re using our revenue to expand our team.

Find out a bit more about us here:


We perform our work predominantly remotely, so a well-defined process to manage your own work is essential. As is the humility and self-awareness to know when to ask for assistance.

Your work, in all its forms, must demonstrate a high standard and as a team we will support you in maintaining that.

You need to be comfortable with a blank canvas, taking something from an idea to a fully-fledged product. You should enjoy the challenge that presents and relish in the freedom and creativity required to fill in the gaps.

We’ve found there’s no substitute for in-person communication. As a team we meet weekly at our London office, and as a company we meet monthly in London or at our main office in Nottingham. An ability to travel to these locations is important. The rest of the time you are free to work wherever you feel most effective.

One of the larger challenges posed by working remotely is ensuring you are understood. This makes clear communication skills, both in writing and in person, essential. We make decisions as a team, particularly important ones. The ability to engage in a respectful, constructive debate around your, and others’, opinions is a must.

Tech stack

Cronofy is mainly built upon React, Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Redis, Kubernetes, and AWS. Familiarity with these would be beneficial but is not essential.

Open roles

Senior engineer

Senior systems engineer

How to apply

<aside> ℹ️ No recruiters please!


Email [email protected] with your name and the role you are most interested in as the subject, eg. "Jane Doe - Senior systems engineer".

Please include a CV so we can learn a little about you (an attached file or link is fine).

Hiring process