<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/50cfcc15-6cb4-4439-af9f-b50725c19891/information.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/50cfcc15-6cb4-4439-af9f-b50725c19891/information.png" width="40px" /> You've reached potential fans. You've acquired their email address or a follow on social media. And now it's time to engage them, excite them, and encourage them to take action!


What's the point of having a large email database if you never send emails? What's the point of having a large twitter following if you never tweet? Engagement is the third phase of the fan journey and it's absolutely vital. If you can't engage people once they become interested, then they will not take the next step to becoming a paying customer.

Traditionally, engagement is one-to-one. But through the process of social media shares and retweets, there is now a growth mechanism called The Viral Loop. If you create sticky content people want to share, they will share it. And once they share it, more people will become aware of your product. It's brilliant!

Engage your audience with content.

Step 1

Find out where your audience currently follows you. Do you have a large email database? Do you have a large youtube subscriber base? What are your most successful marketing channels? Are there marketing channels you are trying to grow? Make this list.

Step 2

Create content on a regular basis using the social media calendar template. Create custom content for each marketing channel that is specific, unique, and provides value to that specific community. For example, share beautiful pictures on Instagram but funny or insightful comments on Twitter. Don't simply share the same picture on every social media account you have. Make content that resonates best with your specific audience on that specific marketing channel.

Step 3

Measure what is working best. Use the experiments section of this kit to measure what content is working the best and on which marketing channel. If something doesn't perform the way you thought it would, ask yourself why? Content should be timely, relevant, targeted, and unique. People tune-out if your messaging is too frequent, too boring, not relevant, or too redundant.

Step 4

Repeat! Tweak, optimize, and do it again. Once you identify the best performing marketing channel AND identify what works, then you can keep launching new and exciting content that your audience loves. Easier said than done, of course. You will need to be meticulous, tracking the results of your experiments and making the highest-value content possible for each channel.

Some of my favorite ways to engage an audience: