Hi there! I'm Emily, a Senior Designer at Adobe and overall goal-tracking enthusiast. I firmly believe that setting & tracking your goals in a measurable way is a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and unlock your passions!

Here's a masterlist of some of my favorite ways to set & track my goals.

Have questions for me? Feel free to reach out to me at emsermons on Instagram — I love talking productivity and goal setting 🙂

Every Day: Morning Pages

Morning Pages | Julia Cameron Live

What is it: Stream of consciousness brain-dump of everything on my mind first thing in the morning

How to do it: Sit with yourself quietly each morning and write two to three pages of handwritten, stream of consciousness thought, ideally before you dive into the hustle & bustle of the workday.

Tips: It helps not to bullshit yourself 🙂 — don't shy away from writing about the meaty stuff, the stuff you might be avoiding facing; this is your time to face anything that's on your mind in the quiet of the morning before jumping into your day.

Every Week: Bullet Journaling

Bullet Journal

What is it: "A mindfulness practice disguised as a productivity system." An analog system for tracking appointments, tasks, and priorities.

How to do it: You can set up your bullet journal any way that works for you. Here's some things that work for me for my weekly 4 page spread:

The first two pages contain:


The next two pages contain:
