Complete this checklist before sending your first email

Your onboarding sessions include custom deliverability guidance from your Customer Success Manager. If you must send your first email before your onboarding session, follow these essential steps to a successful first email send to match the email engagement from your last ESP or improve your deliverability. Email your CSM with any questions.

âť—âť—**Skipping any steps in the checklist below could result in low deliverability in your first send at best and serious damage to your domain reputation at worst.**âť—âť—

Engagement based imports and sending

You’ve likely built up engagement history in another tool. Bring that with you to keep deliverability as high as possible.

During your first month in, send only to an audience that has recently been highly engaged with your email content.

Extra Caution Required 🚧

Take these extra precautions if you are working with an older list, or if engagement metrics aren’t available.

Slowly ramp up the number of emails you send

Inbox providers like Gmail, Microsoft, Yahoo! and the rest are familiar with seeing your domain sending from other providers, but not yet

Get them used to your new sending domain being affiliated with a new set of sending IPs by gradually increasing the number of emails you send from over a period of one to three weeks, depending on volume.

Never surprise inbox providers by sending a large volume of emails right away. It can severely damage your reputation.

Even if you had a great reputation with your previous email service provider (ESP), sending a large initial volume from a new sending subdomain with a new provider is a major red flag for inbox providers and can cause major damage to your domain reputation. Damage that will take much longer to repair than starting with a steady, measured warm-up.