What is egg? The better question: what is egg not?

We are a community of 🍳 eggettes laughing, crying, sighing, loving, and creating through life. 👋🏻Egg friends: Omar, Sonya, Tracy, Yinka, Lisa, and Chelsea.

Together, we tinker


Egg Bae: Iron Chef from Home

Agency. Currently Untitled.

Lisa's Birthday Messages 🍊

January cookery

Merch ideas

Something Something as a Service (and how it helped me do something dumb).

LinkedIn: A Case Study in the Strangeness of the Businessperson.

tropical salad


Tracy's 4th be with you: Virtual picnic

Game Dev Plan

Data Structure & Algorithm Notes

after the beep / voicemail in space

NEST JS tinkering

Inspired by each other

Tracy Makes things each day.

Smells from Kitchen 2407

July Chegg in

August Chegg in

sep illustration

October 2020

Teleportation device

Treggcy vlogs

if chairs had faces and their faces could lift

Middle School Adventures & Misfortunes

brush eggsperiment

gallery collections I: your fortune

Linkedin Icon

sang: animation project

gallery collections II: sublurbs

Mt. Luke, Grief, & Inspiration

time snacks

Creative Tidbits for Europe

through- illustrations

Eggsceptional taste

EggRex 🦖

Odds & ends

Another one bites the dust