-4 hungry hearts -4 happy hearts

-Food lowers by 1 per hour for Eevee form -Happiness lowers by 1 per 50 minutes for Eevee form -Hairballs come every 3 hours from hatch time, if sleep happens the timer stays where it was when it went to sleep and continues when it wakes up. (E.g. if it had a hairball at 18:00 and it went to bed at 20:00 and woke up at 7:00 it would have another at 8:00 instead of 10:00)

-Takes 16 seconds to come out of egg -Takes 72 hours to evolve...timing may be affected by some things

-If you feed it the next heart will lower an hour from when you fed it, not an hour from hatch time (so if it's hatched at 12:00 and fed at 12:15, you will lose a hungry heart at 13:15) -Doesn't matter how many times you feed it candy, it will cap at 4 happiness

-For status display, hunger icon is prioritized even if it's fully hungry and unhappy -Hunger timer is delayed by however long you spend in the game

-Beeps at 10:00, 14:00, 18:00...not sure why

Variable A: Hatch time Variable B: Hunger Variable C: Happiness Variable D: Snacks Variable E: Elements caught Variable F: Number of games played Variable G: Number of times lights turned on during sleep

Test 4:

This is a special test (first of several) to determine when Eevee will leave after being neglected. In this test, I will give it the bare minimum of candy on hatch time, then compare with not giving it any on hatch time, then repeat it, then do it with food, then do it with neither to determine the maximum amount of time you can ignore it for.

09:00 - Hatched, given 4 food, given 1 candy 09:50 - Beeped from 0 happiness 10:00 - Beeped for hourly beep 10:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness 11:30 - Beeped from 0 happiness 12:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness, cleaned hairball 13:00 - Beeped from being hungry, fed 4 times 13:10 - Beeped from 0 happiness 14:00 - Beeped from 0 happiness 14:50 - Beeped from 0 happiness 15:00 - Cleaned hairball 15:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness 16:30 - Beeped from 0 happiness 17:00 - Beeped from being hungry, fed 4 times 17:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness 18:00 - Beeped for hourly beep, cleaned hairball 18:10 - Beeped from 0 happiness 19:00 - Beeped from 0 happiness 19:50 - Beeped from 0 happiness 20:00 - Put to sleep

Day 2:

07:00 - Woke up 07:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness 08:00 - Beeped from being hungry, fed 4 times 08:30 - Beeped from 0 happiness 09:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness 10:00 - Beeped for hourly beep 10:10 - Beeped from 0 happiness 11:00 - Beeped from 0 happiness, cleaned hairball 11:50 - Beeped from 0 happiness 12:00 - Beeped from being hungry, fed 4 times 12:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness 13:30 - Beeped from 0 happiness 14:00 - Beeped for hourly beep, cleaned hairball 14:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness 15:10 - Beeped from 0 happiness 16:00 - Beeped from being hungry/0 happiness (showed hunger symbol), fed 4 times 16:50 - Beeped from 0 happiness 17:32 - Cleaned hairball 17:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 1 time (to avoid not being able to feed before bed) 18:00 - Beeped for hourly beep 18:30 - Beeped from 0 happiness 19:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness 20:00 - Put to sleep (had hairball)

Day 3:

07:00 - Woke up (Test ended, wanted to clean my unit and it just wouldn't leave, safe to say you can neglect happiness a very long time)

Test 3:

A: 9:00 B: Fed when happiness or hunger reaches 0 back to 4 C: Given snacks when happiness or hunger reaches 0 back to 4 D: 48 E: 0 elements caught F: 0 games G: 0, lights turned off at correct time

Day 1:

09:00 - Hatched, fed 4 times, given 4 candy 12:05 - Cleaned hairball 12:20 - Beeped from having 0 happiness, fed 4 candy 13:00 - Beeped from being hungry (0 hearts), fed 4 food 15:35 - Cleaned hairball 15:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 2 times, given 4 candy 18:00 - Beeped for the hourly beep, cleaned hairball (hairball timer seems to be independent/based on hatch time? makes sense since you can have multiple on screen) 19:00 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 20:00 - Beeped for bed, put to sleep

Day 2:

07:00 - Woke up 08:00 - Cleaned hairball (further confirms that hairballs build up from hatch time every 3 hours) 09:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 10:00 - Beeped for the hourly beep 11:00 - Cleaned hairball 12:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 14:00 - Cleaned hairball 16:00 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 17:05 - Cleaned hairball (probably occurred at 17:00) 19:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 20:00 - Beeped for bed, put to sleep, hairball was on screen

Day 3:

07:00 - Woke up, cleaned hairball 09:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 10:00 - Beeped for hourly beep, cleaned hairball 13:00 - Beeped from 0 happiness, cleaned hairball, fed 3 times, given 4 candy 14:00 - Beeped for hourly beep 16:20 - Beeped from 0 happiness, cleaned hairball. fed 3 times, given 4 candy (hairball was likely there at 16:00) 18:00 - Beeped for hourly beep 19:17 - Cleaned hairball (hairball was likely there at 19:00) 19:40 - Beeped from 0 happiness. fed 3 times, given 4 candy 20:00 - Put to sleep, lights turned off

Day 4:

07:00 - Woke up 09:00 - Evolved into Sylveon, cleaned hairball