The mechanisms of how Earth systems work are more complicated than I could possibly summarize here, but I've tried my best to highlight the relevant concepts.

How Climate is Measured

You probably already knew that the Earth is warming. But in case you want to learn more,

Sea Level Rise

This is a fantastic video that breaks down why the ocean rises unevenly and why NYC's sea level is rising faster than the global avg.

[Sea level rise is so much more than melting ice // Verge Science //](

Sea level rise is so much more than melting ice // Verge Science //

Basically, there are 2 things changing: ocean height (increasing) and land height (decreasing)

Arctic Ice Melt

Post Glacial Rebound

In class (4/24/20), we actually talked about this phenomenon of landmass being compressed and released by glacial ice, aka Isostatic Land Rebound or Crustal Rebound.

You can see the bedrock where the glaciers sat in the last ice age is rebounding back into its uncompressed state, whereas bordering areas, like the coast of the US, are sinking back to a flatter shape.

Cornell EAS 2680//

Cornell EAS 2680//