Collecting bobblz is becoming more attractive. As we navigate through our mint release, we wanted to give our community a fun new way to earn some Challenges awarded Trophiez.

You might have heard about the evolving Trophiez attached to the genesis collection. This one is for our community being so patient as we pivot our roadmap. We are giving ways for the community to earn the keys to a special Challenges earned Trophiez case. Not to be confused with evolving Trophiez, the Bobblz Challenges Trophiez will be different. Let’s explain.

What are evolving Trophiez?

Throughout time a trophy has been the symbol of sporting moment greatness, forever memorializing victories of that moment in time. They sit on a shelf reminding you of what can be accomplished through strategy, hard work, and team work. The evolving Trophiez, are an evolving airdrop NFT, where the rarest are earned, not given!

Evolving Trophiez is a gamification style, level-up collection and rewards system in the form of an upgradeable airdrop that evolves in size and rarity. Rewarding collectors, holders and secondary traders alike. Attached to quarterly scoreboards and recap commentary, with an awards gala & great prizes at the end of all four quarters. Future rewards and utility for winners will also be part of the Trophiez collection.

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What are bobblz challenges?

With bobblz challenges, collectors are on the hunt to obtain through minting, or buying from marketplace (either on or all with the goal of completing specific challenges.

Throughout each quarter, challenges will give more value to pieces in collections that hold certain traits needed to check off challenges. Buy or sell - it will be a tough decision.

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Introducing Keys to the Trophiez Case

You didn’t expect this to be easy, did you? The bobblz challenges Trophiez cannot just be left out in the open, they are protected behind glass and key!

Keys will need to be collected before the Trophiez case is officially opened (TBA). We wanted to give those holders, just joining us here now, a way to get something special that is earned through strategic collecting.

What are the differences between the rarity of the keys?

The more accessible keys to obtain will start at common, getting more challenging as the rarity increases to epic level.

With common and limited rarity key levels, expect to need to have more keys in your collection to unlock the rarity-themed challenges Trophiez.

These keys will be truly magical in themselves, with a special type of animation magic being added to them, and will be a mix of bobblz traits with a special bobblz topping some spectacular-looking Trophiez. Picture that baseball character on top of the trophy you got as a kid).

When will the keys be airdropped?

Keys are airdropped once a month, and will be airdropped the first few days into each upcoming mint cycle (scheduled to happen the last full calendar week of each month).

First keys airdrop: August 16, 2022 - August 20, 2022

Ok, so when are the challenges released and ready to start working towards?

Expect the challenges to roll out within the first week of August 2022. There will be a section within the wiki dedicated to a listing of the scheduled challenges, and what certain traits will need to be collected before unlocking your key(s) to the trophiez case.

Current Challenges