Chinese → English

  1. Keep your sentence short

Untitled Database

Untitled Database

  1. Break key ideas apart

The change in the agreement caused us to raise the price.

The agreement has changed, which is the reason we are raising the price.

We want to help experienced marketers.  So, we made this free guide.

  1. Active voice

She did X

X was done by her.

English → Chinese

翻譯成語/俚語或片語時 Translation idioms

  1. Try to find an idiom in the target language which uses the same words, the same structure and has the same exact meaning. This is the top notch solution, but you often will not find it.
    1. Long time no see → 好久不見
  2. Try to find an idiom in your language which uses different words, but has the same structure and the same exact meaning.
    1. Pot calling the kettle black → 五十步笑百步
  3. Try to find an idiom in your language that has different words, different structure but the same exact meaning.
    1. The grass is greener on the other side → 這山望著那山高
  4. Try to find an idiom in your language that has different words, different structure and a slightly different meaning, and complete it with a short explanation.
    1. A long shot → 長的射擊 → 從很遠的地方射擊 → 機會不大