
  1. Using verbs
    1. I’d like to stress the following key features of our product.
    2. I want to draw your attention to the following key points.
    3. I’d like to emphasize that our product is reaching its last stage of clinical trials.
    4. I’d like you to pay close attention to the figure I am about to present.
    5. It’s time to focus on the action plans we propose for this project.
  2. Adverb for more emphasis
    1. Extremely crucial
    2. Completely wrong
    3. Totally
    4. Absolutely
  3. Using what in the beginning of the sentence
    1. What we need to focus on is ______.
    2. What is extremely important is ________.
    3. What we should do is talk about __________.
  4. Rhetorical questions 不需要回答的問句
    1. So, just how important is this?
    2. So, what are the solutions to these issues?
    3. How will the key features change our day to day life at work?
  5. Counter-intuitive statement 與預期相反的陳述
    1. So you might think this means A, but what we’ve found is B
    2. When the rest of the industry is doing A, data shows we should do B