Updates Drafts

The formal EIP can be found at https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4824. Discussions are hosted at Ethereum Magicians.

<aside> đź’ˇ eip: 4824 title: Common Interfaces for DAOs description: An API standard for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). author: Joshua Tan (@thelastjosh), Isaac Patka (@ipatka), Ido Gershtein [email protected], Eyal Eithcowich [email protected], Michael Zargham (@mzargham), Sam Furter (@nivida) discussions-to: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-4824-decentralized-autonomous-organizations/8362 status: Draft type: Standards Track category: ERC created: 2022-02-17



An API standard for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), focused on relating on-chain and off-chain representations of membership and proposals.


DAOs, since being invoked in the Ethereum whitepaper, have been vaguely defined. This has led to a wide range of patterns but little standardization or interoperability between the frameworks and tools that have emerged. Standardization and interoperability are necessary to support a variety of use-cases. In particular, a standard daoURI, similar to tokenURI in EIP-721, will enhance DAO discoverability, legibility, proposal simulation, and interoperability between tools. More consistent data across the ecosystem is also a prerequisite for future DAO standards.****


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Every contract implementing this EIP MUST implement the EIP4824 interface below:

pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

/// @title EIP-4824 Common Interfaces for DAOs
/// @dev See <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4824>

interface EIP4824 {
    /// @notice A distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) pointing to a JSON object following the "EIP-4824 DAO JSON-LD Schema". This JSON file splits into four URIs: membersURI, proposalsURI, activityLogURI, and governanceURI. The membersURI should point to a JSON file that conforms to the "EIP-4824 Members JSON-LD Schema". The proposalsURI should point to a JSON file that conforms to the "EIP-4824 Proposals JSON-LD Schema". The activityLogURI should point to a JSON file that conforms to the "EIP-4824 Activity Log JSON-LD Schema". The governanceURI should point to a flatfile, normatively a .md file. Each of the JSON files named above can be statically-hosted or dynamically-generated.
    function daoURI() external view returns (string _daoURI);

The EIP-4824 DAO JSON-LD Schema mentioned above.

    "@context": "<http://www.daostar.org/schemas>",
    "type": "DAO",
    "name": "<name of the DAO>",
    "description": "<description>",
    "membersURI": "<URI>",
    "proposalsURI": "<URI>",
    "activityLogURI": "<URI>",
    "governanceURI": "<URI>",
		"contractsRegistryURI": "<URI>"

A DAO MAY inherit the above interface above or it MAY create an external registration contract that is compliant with this EIP. The external registration contract MUST store the DAO’s primary address.

/// @title EIP-4824: DAO Registration
contract EIP4824Registration is EIP4824 {
    event NewDAOURI(string daoURI, address daoAddress);
    event NewOffer(address candidate, uint256 expiration);
    event NewManager(address manager);

    struct Offer {
        address candidate;
        uint256 expiration;

    string private _daoURI;

    address daoAddress;

    Offer offer;
    address manager;

    modifier daoOrManagerOnly() {
        if ((msg.sender != daoAddress) && (msg.sender != manager))
            revert NotDaoOrManager();

    modifier daoOnly() {
        if (msg.sender != daoAddress) revert NotDao();

    constructor() {
        daoAddress = address(0xdead);

    /// @notice Set the initial DAO URI and offer manager role to an address
    /// @dev Throws if initialized already
    /// @param _daoAddress The primary address for a DAO
    /// @param _candidate The address being offered manager
    /// @param _offerExpiration The expiration for the offer, or 0 if forever
    /// @param daoURI_ The URI which will resolve to the governance docs
    function initialize(
        address _daoAddress,
        address _candidate,
        uint256 _offerExpiration,
        string memory daoURI_
    ) external {
        initialize(_daoAddress, daoURI_);
        offerManager(_candidate, _offerExpiration);

    /// @notice Set the initial DAO URI
    /// @dev Throws if initialized already
    /// @param _daoAddress The primary address for a DAO
    /// @param daoURI_ The URI which will resolve to the governance docs
    function initialize(address _daoAddress, string memory daoURI_) public {
        if (daoAddress != address(0)) revert AlreadyInitialized();
        daoAddress = _daoAddress;

    /// @notice Update the URI for a DAO
    /// @dev Throws if not called by dao or manager
    /// @param daoURI_ The URI which will resolve to the governance docs
    function setURI(string memory daoURI_) public daoOrManagerOnly {
        _daoURI = daoURI_;
        emit NewURI(daoURI_, daoAddress);

    /// @notice Offer manager to a new address
    /// @dev Throws if not called by DAO
    /// @param _candidate The address being offered manager
    /// @param _offerExpiration The expiration for the offer, or 0 if forever
    function offerManager(address _candidate, uint256 _offerExpiration)
        offer = Offer(_candidate, _offerExpiration);
        emit NewOffer(_candidate, _offerExpiration);

    /// @notice Revoke manager role
    /// @dev Throws if not called by DAO
    function revokeManager()
        manager = address(0);
        emit NewManager(manager); // TODO diff event name?

    /// @notice Accept manager offer
    /// @dev Throws if not called by candidate or offer expired
    function acceptOffer() external {
        if (offer.candidate != msg.sender) revert NotCandidate();
        if ((offer.expiration < block.timestamp) && (offer.expiration != 0))
            revert OfferExpired();
        manager = msg.sender;
        offer.candidate = address(0);
        emit NewManager(manager);

    function daoURI() external view returns (string memory daoURI_) {
        return _daoURI;

If a DAO uses an external registration contract, the DAO SHOULD use a common registration factory contract to enable efficient network indexing.

pragma solidity ^0.8.1;

/// @title EIP-4824 Common Interfaces for DAOs
/// @dev See <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4824>

contract CloneFactory {
    // implementation of eip-1167 - see <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1167>
    function createClone(address target) internal returns (address result) {
        bytes20 targetBytes = bytes20(target);
        assembly {
            let clone := mload(0x40)
            mstore(add(clone, 0x14), targetBytes)
                add(clone, 0x28),
            result := create(0, clone, 0x37)

contract EIP4824RegistrationFactory is CloneFactory {
    event NewRegistration(
        address indexed daoAddress,
        string daoURI,
        address registration

    address public template; /*Template contract to clone*/

    constructor(address _template) public {
        template = _template;

    function summonRegistration(string calldata daoURI_) external {
        EIP4824Registration reg = EIP4824Registration(createClone(template)); /*Create a new clone of the template*/
        reg.initialize(msg.sender, daoURI_);
        emit NewRegistration(msg.sender, daoURI_, address(reg));