In 2020...

Utilization of shading is minimal or non-intentional. Shade often from surrounding trees. Homes dispel heat load through solar radiation through inefficient air-conditioning loops.


What if the home of the future incorporated dynamic shade structures that adjusted position throughout the day, reducing thermal load on buildings in a lightweight, flexible fashion? In addition, in cold climates, dynamic shades can alternatively act as solar collectors to focus thermal energy into the home to warm it.

In 2050...

Many homes benefit from lower heating/cooling costs due to dynamic shade structures incorporated onsite.

An interesting podcast episode on the importance of shade:

Shade - 99% Invisible

How might our homes look different if we could control shade structures that moved in relation to the sun and environmental conditions? What might these structures look like, and how might they move?

How could a dynamic shade structure reduce cooling requirements in the summer, increase ambient light during overcast days via reflection, and protect the home from snow in the winter?

Stills here: