<aside> <img src="https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/scrap.png" alt="https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/scrap.png" width="40px" /> Our ToS on donations is pretty straightforward...

By donating to 3 Rustketeers, you're voluntarily donating your money to support us - that means a lot! Servers, mods, moderation tools, and more are pricey, so 3R relies on player donations to stay alive. Below is what we expect if you do decide to donate.

Terms: - No charge-backing: requesting your money back after you place the order and received the reward(s). If you charge-back, you will be banned from all 3R servers and your appeal request will be denied. - Use the right Steam account: if you accidentally sign into the wrong account or gift an item to the wrong friend, there is nothing we can do. Be careful and double-check that you're 100% sure who you're buying something for before paying. - No refunds: since you're donating your money to 3R, no refunds will be given out if after buying you decide that you are not satisfied with the item(s) you bought. In exchange for donating, you receive the specified item(s) on our store that you donated the amount of money for. - Be in a safe spot: when you buy items from the store, make sure you're in a safe location. For example, be in your base or inside of a safe zone. Do not buy items when the server is about to wipe or is in the process of wiping. We are not responsible if you decide to buy anything while it is about to wipe or is wiping. - 18+ or guardian's permission to order: you must be 18 years old or older, or have permission from a legal guardian to order something from our store. - We can change the store items at any time: we have the right to add or remove any store items or rewards that are included in an item at any time. We have only made small changes to the store items once or twice in the last year and a half. - PayPal and Stripe only: while it would be fun to pocket gift cards and skins, we only accept payments through PayPal and Stripe to ensure safety between you (the buyer) and us (the seller). PayPal and Stripe are extremely common and well-known, so this should not be an issue. You can even pay with a credit card through PayPal without having an account. - No donator immunity: purchasing anything from the store does not exempt you to any of our rules. Top donators have been banned in the past for breaking rules; all players (no matter their rank) are held to the same degree of rules. - Unforeseen downtime: if Tebex (the store platform), PayPal, Stripe, Discord, Rust, etc. are down when you are trying to make a purchase, we are not liable.

Last update to the Donation ToS: 1/14/2021
